Event Calendar


Virtual German American Forum on Smart Grids and Energy Storage

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Name: Virtual German American Forum on Smart Grids and Energy Storage
Date: October 26, 2021
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Registration: Sorry, registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:

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This virtual conference took place on Tuesday, October 26, 2021.
Hosted by the German American Chamber of Commerce, the forum offered an opportunity for experts from Germany and local US innovators to discuss ways to cooperate.

The increased usage of renewable energies in our economies leads to a number of important challenges. The event focused on technologies and solutions in the fields of smart grids and energy storage. As part of the forum, a German delegation presented their latest solutions, technologies and services. Germany has been known for decades as a leader in renewable energy technologies. The event was targeted towards professionals, researchers and thought leaders in the fields of smart grids, energy storage and renewable energy in general.

For the detailed agenda, please click here.

The company profiles of the eight participating German companies can be found

Please find the presentations of the event by clicking on the respective company below:

German delegation

energy & meteo systems GmbH
Freqcon GmbH
Heliatek GmbH
Lumenion GmbH
SolEngCo GmbH
SunSniffer GmbH & Co. KG
umlaut energy GmbH

US expert presentations
New York Power Authority

German expert presentations
German Energy Storage Association (BVES e.V.)
University of Wuppertal

This program is sponsored by the Export Initiative "Energy Solutions - Made in Germany" of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy which aims to:
  • Highlight efficient solutions from Germany that can be implemented in the US.
  • Share industry knowledge internationally to further develop the sustainable building and infrastructure market.
  • Raise awareness among political decision makers and opinion leaders concerning the importance of energy efficiency and the synergy between the two countries.
  • Support climate protection and resource conservation through smarter buildings and infrastructures

Virtual Event: Login details will be provided via email prior to the event.
Contact Information:

Victoria Kaeser
Senior Manager, Business Development Consulting
(212) 974-8864
The event is free of charge.