ASCON Corporation is a new company founded in the United States in 2016. Subjects of the company are
- the implementation, organization and operation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems as well as all its business areas in the United States
- the organization of the return of different material streams for recycling to own or third-party sites in the United States
- consulting and supervision of internationally active American companies to meet their packaging-legal obligations of the European Union
U.S. ASCON Corporation is a daughter company of German based ASCON Resource Management Holding GmbH, a group of companies within the closed circular economy. The core target of ASCON Holding is to close material loops in order to enforce EPR and to practice EPR with our clients. ASCON Corp. will implement and operate take-back and recycling systems for e. g. expired pharmaceuticals, agricultural foils, carpets and many more in order to handle material streams in a sustainable way. Our business activities in the U.S. are based on the expert knowledge of ASCON Holding and its successful EPR business operations in Germany since the year 2000.