Rekall LLC

  • IT Systems, Hardware and Software
220 E 23rd
Suite 400
New York, NY 10010
(914) 410-0742
  • About

    Rekall is a global team of elite engineers, data scientists and product designers, with hubs in New York, Amsterdam, Berlin and Tokyo. From strategy to execution, we challenge businesses of all sizes to ignore the impossible and seize upon market-defining opportunities. Rekall serves organizations that seek to dominate their respective markets with tech-forward, data-driven solutions.
    From C-suite strategy to on-the-ground execution, we believe in getting the work done quickly and not spend time on prolonged dev cycles. We ship production grade software at light speed.

    We are offering custom solutions for our clients across 3 main areas:
    1) Digital Transformation & Automation
    2) Web & Mobile Product Design & Build
    3) Data & ML Enriched Services & Platforms

    Our services include:
    - Data-centric end-to-end solutions, using big data stores (like Elasticsearch)
    - Deployment of horizontally scalable & fault resistant infrastructure using Google Cloud & Kubernetes
    - Creation of world-class mobile experiences using both native and cross-platform frameworks pioneered by Apple and Google
    - Building applications on a robust, longterm platform with documented JSON APIs
    - Deploying secure and standards-based platforms (HIPAA, FDA) leveraging vast experience with independent (3rd party) audits
    - Building dashboards and interactive visualizations for operators and decision makers using React (and a rich component libraries)
    - Direct response marketing and analytics across the Google Suite (Google Search, GDN, YT), Social (Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn) and Email

    Get in touch:

  • Whom to Contact

    • Sebastian Költzsch
    • Jan Wiechers